
I started having panic attacks after years of not dealing with the attempted murder of me by a previous partner. Some of this was triggered by my position of reading casefiles of kids in very tragic situations. I'm also seeing a therapist; but meanwhile, this is my therapeutic brain toilet. Here's where it all began.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I've spent the better part of the past week re-telling the medicaid administrator for this state what I had already told them.
This, for the record, is a for-profit company.  The longer they can hold onto money, the more money they make.  For instance:
  • I told them that a patient had a history of running away, including from treatment, and had attempted suicide 3 times, and was once found stoned, wondering down the highway (on foot).  They asked me to "please specify the patient's high risk behaviors".
  • I told them that another patient had been raped more than once as a child, was hypervigilant, tried not to think about it, avoided things that reminded her of it, had nightmares about it, and drank heavily to forget about it . I was then asked, "please specify the details regarding this patient's diagnosis of PTSD." 
  • I told them about a boy with Asperger's disorder who needs hospitalization because he keeps punching himself in the face when he's angry, and if that doesn't make him feel better, he starts punching the wall and anyone around him.  He's about 6' too, so that's pretty formidable.  They wanted to know if I had "met him face-to-face."  
They do this shit to delay treatment for a day or two, that way more interest can be earned on their money, money money for their stockholders. 

There's one person in particular, who is a local, in charge of "utilization and review" for this company.  That's corporatespeak for, "try to pay as little in claims as possible" or, "hang onto the money a day or so longer"

Turns out, she and I know some of the same people.  She's got the same kind of license I do.  Things I'd like to say to her include Tell me, when exactly did you sell out? 

and: When did you decide, "hey, what I really want in life is a job where I deprive children and the disabled of the care that they need?"  

or what it: "When I grow up, I want to work for a company that sucks so badly that small health providers are forced to close their doors due to lack of payment, and the state sanctions them...and then finally tells them that they are fired as of this next summer."

Are you some kind of derranged Republican asshole who things that adding several more layers between treatment and patient will surely make things more efficient?

I'm glad the state has put your company on notice and that you'll be replaced soon.  I hope you have a real hard time finding a job.  I hope you suffer, you sell-out.  I sure as crap wouldn't hire you. I don't trust you do act in the best interest of patients.

That hippie you keep emailing stupid questions.