
I started having panic attacks after years of not dealing with the attempted murder of me by a previous partner. Some of this was triggered by my position of reading casefiles of kids in very tragic situations. I'm also seeing a therapist; but meanwhile, this is my therapeutic brain toilet. Here's where it all began.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Signs of a bad economy.

Saturday I literally, I mean literally, didn't have time to have a panic attack. Every time I felt nervous, I would fun faster. That'll teach you, panic attacks! 

Well, I have now had my car broken into and my home broken into, within weeks of each other, by motherfuckers too lazy and antisocial to go rape their sisters.  There, I said it.  Fuckers.  They stole our very nice huge flat screen TV, a blue-ray DVD player, another flat screen in the bedroom, and Himself's laptop, and they kicked in the door, breaking the doorframe and lock. We have another flatscreen in the garage that I am, for now, too lazy to move.

We bought very high deductables back when we were both gainfully and well-employed and didn't have two mortgages.  The first night after the break-in, I was okay, but the 2nd night, well, I lay awake imaging that I heard all sorts of noises. I know, wah, wah, but still.  We are hurting.  We will not have TVs for a while. 

I feel like shit because I'm the one that forgot to lock the security door on the only vulnerable door in the house, the one they kicked in to get in the house. 

Himself used this as an excuse to suggest dogs, to, you know, make me feel safer.  And I, of course, went along with it.  Why not?  How much trouble can a dog be?

Well.  So now my garage is full of dog crap smell.  The shed that I was going to convert to an artist workshop some day I WAS, I AM NOT KIDDING SOMEDAY, DON'T PUSH ME is now a dog house. 

But.  I noticed that on my first run with my pooch, I didn't have time to stop and have a panic attack.  I was too busy trying not to get jerked off my feet.  I also ran a loop I've run before faster than I ever have before.  This morning, by 6 am, I'd run a dog around the block and was WIDE FUCKING AWAKE.

At one point we had them out in the back yard, but then I happened to walk by the kitchen door and saw them both huddled together, shivering. Well, shit.  I'm not cruel.  So we had them come in.  Someone walked up to the front door, and they barked like mad, and then settled down. One of them lay on my feet while I worked on a paper. Ahhh. Safety. I like it. Even if it does smell like dog.

A person said to me recently that between the no tvs and dogs, I should lose like, a million pounds.  I'd be happy to lose the nervousness I feel when I'm home alone.  But the pounds would be nice, too. 
