
I started having panic attacks after years of not dealing with the attempted murder of me by a previous partner. Some of this was triggered by my position of reading casefiles of kids in very tragic situations. I'm also seeing a therapist; but meanwhile, this is my therapeutic brain toilet. Here's where it all began.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bet you never tried it.

So.  Himself redeemed himself pretty well by telling that he never thought I'd feel that strongly, and apologizing.

Today.  Well, today was the day I do my long training run.  Twenty miles planned.  I spent most of the pre-dawn morning ringing my hands and worrying.  About what?

  • What if I twist my ankle?
  • What if I break my leg?
  • What if I get really cold?
  • What if I trip and run headlong into a tree?
  • What if I fell into a ravine?
  • What if I get hit in the back by a mountain biker?
  • What if I can't run any more, and it's too cold to walk?

The running was impossible.  So, I told Himself that I could hike it.  Not run it.  So we hiked it.  As much as I dreaded this run, as much as I dreaded leaving the house, I knew I had to get out there.  So, I did.

Himself has the annoying habit of telling me how slowly we're going.  This is a fairly useless endeavor; it's not unlike being tailgated by a large 4x4.  I slow down.  I don't speed up.  

The panic attack got worse.  I'd already taken a Xanax, so finally, reluctantly, I took a 2nd.


Have you ever tried to run just chock full of sleeping medication? Me neither.  At one point, I was stoned and stumbling.  Finally the real sleepiness part wore off and I finished over twenty miles.

But I finished it.

Then I ate a pizza, and drank some nice red wine.