
I started having panic attacks after years of not dealing with the attempted murder of me by a previous partner. Some of this was triggered by my position of reading casefiles of kids in very tragic situations. I'm also seeing a therapist; but meanwhile, this is my therapeutic brain toilet. Here's where it all began.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Purpose.

people evolve. Their needs change. I no longer need to rant about god stuff. I need to rant about other stuff.

I used to do psychiatric research, but now I'm doing assessments in a children's treatment facility.

And I have a lot of shit to bitch about. I'll bitch about this for a while, and then i'll bitch about that. I need a place to do it. Lucky you!

Last week, I worked on a case file for a kid. When he was 12, he lost his grandmother, whom he adored. He's also been abused. When asked by a nurse if he ever saw anything unusual, he said that he saw his dead grandmother: she visited him during the 2 months right after she died. At midnight. No other hallucinations or sightings.

The person interviewing him was a nurse. For the record, nurses have no business making mental health diagnoses. It isn't their fucking field. This nurse slapped a diagnosis of "psychotic disorder, NOS" on this kid. Bitch. The kid was dreaming about his grandmother, and she tells him he's psychotic. He got put on antipsychotics, and now has this label dogging him.

I've had a year and a half of training in how to diagnose people. I still look things up, and read research. I have 6 years of graduate school and specialized training that covers psychometry, behavioral health diagnosis, therapeutic interventions, and neuropsychology. I know a little about a lot, but I know a lot about behavioral health.

Some other rants:
  • To the social worker who tentatively diagnosed a 9 year old with Reactive Attachment Disorder because he's shy and hides his face when he's anxious: you stupid cunt. Take a class, and read a book. Reactive Attachment Disorder has to manifest before 5 years old. And it's severe. Kids who have it are scary, mean, vengeful kids. They hurt people. They set fires. They feel no remorse. It's the kid version of sociopathy. It's incredibly impairing, and it's also rare. Stick to what you know, and go do some fucking case management.
  • To the mother whose 15-year-old bipolar son refuses treatment, and is allowed to by, law, and then comes over and beats you up: CALL THE COPS. EVERY TIME. Stay out of my office. Your kid is allowed by law to refuse treatment. It's fucked up, but there it is. Save yourself and your other children. Have his ass thrown in jail.
  • To the mother who wants to get her daughter psychiatric treatment because she doesn't like her attitude, SHE'S A TEENAGER. IT'S DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE FOR HER TO BE A LITTLE SNOTTY. Go get a pedicure. And a clue.
  • To the nurse who thinks she's doing "therapy" and making psychiatric diagnoses, go put in an IV or something. Mental health is not your job.

More to come.
