
I started having panic attacks after years of not dealing with the attempted murder of me by a previous partner. Some of this was triggered by my position of reading casefiles of kids in very tragic situations. I'm also seeing a therapist; but meanwhile, this is my therapeutic brain toilet. Here's where it all began.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Faces in strange places.

So a while back, apparently there's this tree with a pattern in the bark, some place, which some of the local residents think is the image of their dearly departed mayor.

Hmmm. Well, I gotta hand it to 'em - it's a face.

He had a face.

BINGO! It must be him.

Now of COURSE, some people think it's Jesus. Of COURSE they do. After all, he had a face.

I read a book recently about how people - oh wait, it was by Richard Dawkins - will often see faces in the most random of patterns. We're programmed to do that.  Personally, I think it looks like this guy.

But then again...what about this guy?

c'mon. He's got a face. he's even pointed the right way. 
Oh, snap!  I got it!

it's clearly THIS GUY.
