
I started having panic attacks after years of not dealing with the attempted murder of me by a previous partner. Some of this was triggered by my position of reading casefiles of kids in very tragic situations. I'm also seeing a therapist; but meanwhile, this is my therapeutic brain toilet. Here's where it all began.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


At age 6, he killed a cat by trying to twist its head off.    Then he burned down a neighbor's fence.

At age 12, he was beating on his younger brothers.  He stripped one naked and beat him with a belt.  He told a teacher, "I'm going to kill you, bitch."  He got a gun from an uncle, and went after his father.

The police intervened, but didn't arrest him.
His mother took him to treatment, but then pulled him out because he said that the counselor were "mean".

At age 14, she brought him back to treatment again.   He was willing to see a doctor, who prescribed medication, which he promptly refused to take.  He refused therapy.  He was still beating on his younger brothers, but she didn't know that.  he'd started ditching school to get high, and putting holes in walls.  Her landlord told her they couldn't live there any  more.
He talked her out of putting him in residential treatment.
He ran away.  The police brought him back.

At age 15, he mugged his first victim, and started huffing.
At age 16, he started stealing cars.  By now he told his mother that if she reported him, he was going to beat the crap out of her.  The police didn't catch him.

At age 17, she asked for him to be put in treatment.  He begged her to reconsider.  She changed her mind.  Then months later, he was finally arrested.  His JPO told him that to get off probation, it would look good if he got treatment.  That's when he came in, and I met him.  He sat across from me, and told me that he thought that his family needed to learn to communicate better, and that he considered himself a "people person".  WTF?  He showed no remorse, just reiterated what his JPO told him.

That's when I got to know him, through his history.  I read through it all.  And I started wondering, while mom is fucking around, rescuing her baby from the police and treatment therapists, who is protecting those three younger brothers?  I gave the kid some instruments to see if maybe, just maybe, he had a cognitive deficit, or maybe he's traumatized, or severely depressed, or anxious.

Nope.  nothing like that.  He has a real high opinion of himself, too.  He's never been abused.  He has no internal controls to stop him from violating the rights of others.  The only thing that seems to work, it appears, is a probation officer, and the threat of jail.  For now.

Mom isn't sure how long he's been beating on his brothers; she just found out about it recently.  We're now treating one of them, who sleeps most of the time and cries every day.  The kid, the younger brother, is showing signs of trauma from living with this animal.

So, I turned the kid away and recommended another facility.  I won't subject an abused child to his abuser day after day.  I also called child protective services, since Mom is so busy protecting her baby from consequences that she's willing to let three other kids suffer.
I'm furious nobody has ever done this.  We are required to call CPS whenever a crime is committed against a child, even if it's by another child.  What bullshit.

Listen.  If you don't have the stones to consequence your kid, at least protect your other kids.

Mom helped create a monster. She should live with it.  Her other kids shouldn't. 